In today’s world, full of challenges, mobility becomes more and more important, not only in our private lives but in business as well. Quick reactions to market changes and immediate decisions with relevant information at their disposal are crucial for companies to maintain and improve their market position. The smart phone application built on the QAD ERP suite helps company leaders in this. Corporate processes can be monitored online anytime, anywhere with the app, and as a result effective and immediate interventions are possible, and up-to-date information is available.

In the initial period, on-MOBILE means QAD system functions and reports, available on smartphones running ANDROID. It provides immediate information to users through the fully integrated QAD enterprise resource planning system, through online data connection based on strict security principles and providing communication supplemented with user rights management for the QAD system. The interface and the functions are easy to use, and custom solutions are easily comprehensible, and as a result the flow of information between the users’ mobile device and the QAD system is quick and simple.

It is recommended for QAD users for whom mobility is a priority, continuous connection between the QAD system and business life is essential, who need up-to-date information for making immediate decisions and want to keep control of company matters wherever they are.

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