The financial module of the QAD Enterprise Applications has a set of tools with which economic associations may control their financial activities at corporate level. Thanks to real-time information and a host of analysis options, it helps making quick and well grounded decisions. By collecting the information content of the economic events and incorporating it into a structure, it is able to draw a transparent picture of the company’s financial situation.

The solution implements systemic projection of financial transactions by automatic accounting, which may be amended by human intervention anytime.  In line with the requirements of the analytic records, the system is capable of operating Customer, Supplier, Stock, VAT, Material Assets, Money management and Post calculation analytics. Data management and recording are thereby simplified, leading to a more efficient allocation of resources.

In the life of a company, processing information coming from its partners and the responses given to such are of great significance. The QAD Finance module simultaneously ensures the display of all receivables and liabilities broken for each partner, thereby providing a full overview of the current financial positions of the partners. A detailed current account ledger is available to immediately track and visualise all transactions.

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